
Coronavirus Policy


Our Enhanced Safety Procedures

At Supreme Service Today, the safety of our customers and employees is our top priority, and we are prepared to serve you. Our employees are in hundreds of homes each day, providing essential services that keep customers safe and comfortable. In times of public health concern, such as with the coronavirus (COVID-19), we remain committed to performing this critical role for our customers. In order to maintain a safe environment for both customers and employees, Supreme Service Today will be enacting the following measures:

  • Enhanced Cleanliness Protocols: Employees will be increasing the frequency of sanitization of any shared or on-the-job equipment and vehicles, as well as wiping down all surfaces at the work site before and after work is performed, as needed.
  • Practice Social Distancing: Employees will attempt to avoid direct contact with others (ex. handshakes, hugs, high-fives, etc.) and to stay approximately six feet from the nearest person while working, as well as avoid gatherings in any common areas or large groups.
  • Personal Hygiene Preparedness: As needed employees will be equipped with personal protective equipment, such as masks and gloves, as well as hand sanitizers and disinfectant wipes. Additionally, employees will follow a hand washing schedule for the protection of customers and employees.
  • Keeping Employees Informed: Supreme Service Today is closely following the guidance of the Centers for Disease Control and passing along updates to our employees. All employees have been informed about identifying the potential signs and symptoms of the coronavirus. And, if an employee were to demonstrate potential symptoms, he/she will be evaluated by a medical professional.

We are committed to keeping our community safe. So, when you contact Supreme Service Today, or if a member of our team is in your home, please share any health concerns. We want to ensure you get the service you need while keeping everyone safe.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our customer care representatives at 410-862-4443.