
How To Battle Indoor Air Pollutants In Your Home

Fighting off indoor air pollutants can be quite the battle, especially in Baltimore. But what are the most efficient methods for removing air pollutants from your home? Review these following tips to get your homes air cleaner than ever before.

Removing indoor air pollutants

  • Keep your home’s humidity level at a safe range: Did you know keeping an indoor humidity level outside the safe 30-50 percent range can increase your indoor air pollutant levels? Not sure where your home sits? Pick up an affordable humidity gauge at the local hardware store to find out.If you find yourself below 30 percent humidity, you may want to consider installing a whole house humidifier. This will increase the humidity in your Baltimore home. Find yourself well over the 50% humidity threshold? Simply turn on the AC or open the windows (if it’s not humid outside) to level things out.
  • Clean your home regularly: There’s nothing worse than having a dirty home. The same holds true for common indoor air pollutants. To keep your indoor air pollution at a minimal, make sure to clean your house regularly.Wash blankets, sheets, and pillow cases minimally every 1-2 weeks. Dust on a weekly basis, using a cleaning method that physically picks up the dust as compared to just pushing it around. Most importantly, clean any mold thoroughly and allow the area to dry properly. Fix all of your water leaks and keep the area well ventilated.
  • Clean your air filtersA dirty air filter both prevents your AC from cooling off the interior of your home and it limits the ability to clean your home of indoor air pollutants. Change your air filters regularly or as recommended by your particular manufacturer. This will allow your system to do a thorough job cleaning the air around you while keeping your home at a comfortable temperature.
  • Plants remove air pollutants: Indoor house plants do a positively good job at keeping the indoor air quality of your home clean. Plants and their roots work collectively to reduce indoor air pollutants to maintain good air quality. Although you would need a handful (approximately 15 plants for a 1,800 square feet home), there’s no better way to get clean air.
  • Air duct sealing: If you haven’t done so in a while, you may want to consider having a full inspection of your home cooling system. In many cases, we find that air ducts become damaged. This causes the air in your attic to seep in and fill your home with indoor air pollutants that you don’t want in there.If this is the case, have a professional AC repair technician come and take a look for you. You’ll not only clean your home of those air pollutants but make your AC more efficient which will save you loads on your energy bill.What do you do to limit indoor air pollutants from infesting your home.