
Hot Water Heater Maintenance Tips – Keep Your Home Water Hot

Your hot water heater is the lifeline of your home. It affects nearly every aspect of your life – from hot showers to weekly chores. But over time, it’s important to conduct regular hot water heater maintenance to ensure it operates smoothly with minimal wear and tear.

So how do extend the life of your hot water heater so you can get the most out of the system?

A little maintenance can go a long way when it comes to the life of your appliances. Take a look at the following hot water heater maintenance tips to extend the life of your hot water heater.

Hot Water Heater Maintenance Tips

  • Flush your water heater every 6-months: As water flows through your hot water heater, various minerals can start to collect forming a “pool” of sediment in the bottom. As a part of your regular hot water heater maintenance plan, it’s important to flush out your water heater. Doing so clears it from buildup which increases energy efficiency, boosts performance, and expands the life of your hot water heater.
  • Lower your water temperature: Did you know by lowering your water temperature by a few degrees, you can make a significant impact on your monthly energy bill? It’s true. Not only does it save you money, but it’s good for the environment too. Also, if you’re looking to expand the amount of time you have hot water, consider installing a low-flow showerhead. By combining both of these tasks, you’ll save more money and extend the amount of time you have hot water.
  • Insulate your unit (especially if it’s older): Is your hot water heater located outside of your home? Is it more than 3-years old? Then consider adding an additional layer of insulation around it such as a fiberglass blanket. Doing so will accomplish a few things for you. You’ll not only increase the efficiency of your unit, but you will save valuable energy used to keep your water hot. While you’re at it, insulate your hot and cold water pipes, too.
  • Complete an annual water heater inspection: Completing a yearly examination of your water heater is essential. It allows you to keep an eye out for water heater damage such as massive leaks or corrosion of the pipes and valves. If you have a gas water heater, check the draft hood to make sure it’s placed properly. Also, take a look at the thermostat and the area below your water heater’s thermostat where the gas chamber is located.

If there is residue build up, charred metal or soot, it may be a sign you’re having hot water heater maintenance issues. If this is the case, call your local plumbing professional for inspection immediately before more significant problems arise.

Follow the hot water heater maintenance tips and you’ll get the most out of your hot water heater. Need help with your hot water heater, need repairs, or other general plumbing advice? Give the professional plumbers at Supreme Service Today Heating, Cooling, and Plumbing a call! We’ll send out a professional to assess all of your hot water heater and other plumbing needs.