
The Best Reasons Why You Need A 21-Point AC Tune-Up

Over the course of time, you can put a lot of wear and tear on your home’s AC unit. Naturally, it’s important to consider getting a 21-point AC tune-up completed to keep your air conditioner in the most efficient shape that it can be in.

But what exactly are the perks for tuning your AC? Why should you invest your hard earned money into tuning your AC? Take a look at the most important reasons below to take advantage of Supreme Service Today’s 21-point AC tune-up.

Why should you get an AC tune-up?

  • Improve energy efficiency
    Tuning your AC does more than just get the unit back into tip-top condition. You are ensuring the system is operating at its best so you have an efficient and cool home. When the cooling systems are tuned, they tend to operate at a much more efficient level, requiring less of your AC unit.
  • Clean and restore your system
    Did you know having your AC tuned can lower the amount of sound pollution it emits? During a tune-up, essential parts of the unit are oiled, wires are checked, and the nuts and bolts (so to speak) are tightened. These steps also are optimizing your AC unit’s performance. With regular tune-ups, you’re not just helping achieve a quieter system, you’re ensuring the unit is as close to its original condition as possible.
  •  Prevents breakdowns
    Is your AC unit constantly running? Just like your car, it’s important to have a mechanic take a look at the motor periodically. Whether or not you are having issues, getting your AC tuned up helps prevent future breakdowns. In return, this saves you loads of money down the road in costly repairs.
  • Healthier air indoors
    One of the best benefits to having your cooling system go through a 21-point AC tune-up is the simple fact that it can lead to cleaner, healthier air indoors. With cleaner air in your home, you are effectively lowering the effects of allergies, dust mites and pretty much anything else that can set off a chain of chronic sneezing. When you combine a few indoor house plants with a freshly tuned AC, you’re pretty much changing the entire quality of air indoors.